Surface water
Agriculture, Mining, Urban water supply, Institutions, Tourism, Plantations, Forestry, Hydro-electric power generation and waste water management.
Underground water
Domestic, Industry, Institutions, Mining and Agriculture.
Water Use Application Procedures
As governed by the legislative laws of Zimbabwe, all surface and underground water use must be registered.
Water use application/ registration procedures
A stakeholder intending to have a water source at his/her property must consult the Sub-catchment council for authority before extraction or use.
Underground water drillers applying for an authority to drill can be granted or rejected as not all areas are permitted to have underground water sources. The driller will fill out a GW1 form which can be obtained at our offices and ONLINE
After the successful drilling of a borehole, stakeholders should then apply for an abstraction permit. The applicant is required to complete a GW4 and GW9 form and ONLINE.
The water drillers are expected to submit drilling reports attached to drilling application forms after completion of the drilling process.
Surface Water application
A stakeholder intending to abstract or divert any surface water from a nearby stream, river, dam or weir for any purposes i.e Agriculture, must consult the Sub-catchment council for authorization and permit processing.
For agriculture the applicant must fill WR1 and WR3 forms DOWNLOAD FORMS
If the site is feasible the applicant will be advised to proceed with their application and be given the appropriate surface water abstraction form. DOWNLOAD FORM.